Welcome! I am an Analytical Data Scientist at Genentech, Inc. I received an MS in Biostatistics from University of Pennsylvania. Before that, I graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Mount Holyoke College with a BA in Statistics and Data Science.

Before Genentech, I did an internship at Regeneron Inc. where I quantified physical activity with accelerometry data from wearable devices. During my undergraduate studies, I also had the opportunity to conduct research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where I evaluated the performance of joint model for longitudinal and survival data in biliary cirrhosis, and the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics where I built physics-informed neural networks to simulate wave propagation.

My current interest includes survival analysis, causal inference, and time series. Currently in my free time, I enjoy reading classics, practicing French, swimming, and fencing.